Acceptable Reasons for Calling into Work

What is a legitimate excuse for not coming in to work? What qualifies as a sick day and what will get you a reprimand? You may hate taking any of your sick days, or you may already be maxed-out and it’s March. Whichever end of the spectrum you land on, here are some good reasons for […]

Posted in Career Resources

7 Networking Mistakes That are Undermining You

How are your networking skills? But really, how are they? You may think you’re hitting it out of the park at every networking event you attend, but you could really be undermining your efforts. If you’re doing any or all of these 7 things, it’s time to change your networking style. Forgetting your business cards […]

Posted in Career Resources, Job Seeking Resources

7 Ways to Deal with a Difficult Coworker

Unfortunately, there is always going to be that person at work. The one who always finds the negative in every idea, who complains constantly, or never turns in their work on time, or ever. However, your productivity and quality of work doesn’t have to be dragged down by their poor performance. If you’re dealing with […]

Posted in Career Resources

6 Tips for the Productive Telecommuter

You may have dreamed of it for some time, and now it has finally arrived: the opportunity to work a couple days, or even full-time, from home! Ah, the joys of telecommuting. Here are some things to pay attention to if you are going to be a successful, productive telecommuter and keep your productivity level up. […]

Posted in Career Resources

6 Speech Habits You Should Eliminate From Work

Developing quality relationships with your coworkers and boss takes effort. One of the things you need to watch in order to protect these relationships is your words and speech patterns. You probably remember being told to “use your words” as a child. There are some words and speech habits that you should not use at […]

Posted in Career Resources

6 Practices that Will Boost Your Career

Whether your workplace is a driven, get-ahead atmosphere or a laid back, friendly place, you need to be considering your actions if you want to be moving forward in your career. There are things that you are doing now that can get you that raise, better office, or new position. You should already know about these […]

Posted in Career Resources

The Top 7 Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

If you’ve been on the job search journey, you’ve spent some time with the Interview. Many people struggle with the questions they are required to answer. Here are several go-to questions that you can review that will help you to be better prepared. Tell me about yourself. While worded as a statement, this is really […]

Posted in Job Seeking Resources

Avoid These 3 Hidden Pitfalls in Your Strengths

A strength is a strength, right? Well, taken to extremes, the strengths you’re proud of and have honed for years can actually become detrimental to you and the people around you. Certain aspects, when taken too far, can be a more harmful weakness to you than you might realize. These three strengths are most often […]

Posted in Career Resources

Find Your Perfect Work-Life Balance

Striking a balance. That’s never easy, no matter what you’re doing. As humans, we tend to swing the pendulum from one extreme to the other. Though it can be difficult, it is possible to strike that perfect balance between work and personal life. Here are five tips to find that balancing point for your work-life. […]

Posted in Career Resources